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Artist Presskit

Artist Presskit


A media presskit is a digital document that provides a graphical overview of essential details about a company’s brand that may be of interest to a prospective customer. It is an excellent marketing tool that can highlight your brand to potential customers, advertisers, and sponsors who may be interested in partnering with you.

  • Social Media Mockup Included
  • Unique and Creative Concepts
  • 1-3 Day design timeframe
SKU: APS4112 Category: Tags: , , , ,


What type of information do I need for my press kit?

Your logo, basic introduction, services and packages offered, testimonials (if any), social media links, contact details, and high-resolution images.

I don’t have high-resolution images. Do you have alternate options?

Yes, as part of my service for your presskit, I also provide royalty-free stock pictures.

What type of format is the press kit provided in?

The press kit comes in print-ready PDF and JEPG formats.


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